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This past Sunday we had our first ever Grill Daddy Academy BBQ Class ironically held at the Grillin’ Shop in Centennial Colorado. We had 18 people go through and thankfully for me no one wanted their money back when it was over. We spent 3 hours covering the science of cooking meat and different strategies for cooking on a barbecue grill. We covered the best barbecue techniques that will achieve the most desirable results. We debunked BBQ myths that are out there and the students learned how their new skills will produce better than restaurant quality food EVERY single time. The excitement they had taking their newly acquired skillsets to the grill was enjoyable to watch and be a part of.



During the last hour the students got a 2 inch thick Ribeye steak to cook – they seasoned it based on preference using newly acquired seasoning strategy. We covered how to cook seafood, pork and veggies as well.

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The Grillin’ Shop was a great location as we had the pits fired up in the front of the building and had plenty of space inside for the learning to take place. The requests were coming in for future classes covering different topics. We will be scheduling different classes most likely a rib class next along with another grilling class stay tuned for dates and times.


Corin showing off his 2 inch thick Ribeye that he cooked that was medium rare throughout 90% of his steak

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Not even a scrap left for the dog – Every plate was cleaned! – I must say I was impressed with the group they all achieved Grill Daddy status!


If you would like information on when our next Grill Daddy Academy class is sign up for our newsletter and be one of the first to know!


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