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Pueblo BBQ
The Pueblo BBQ Competition holds a special place near my left ventricle just below the atrium. 4 years ago it was the first BBQ comp I ever did. Looking back on it WOW! I had no idea what I was doing. I showed up with more enthusiasm than brains. I thought I was set with an EZ up, a table, a smoker and tub full of supplies. It didn’t take long for me to recognize a cot or a light could have come in handy. I was placed the on the end of the rectangle set up. If there was any doubt I was not a competing team it was solidified by people asking me where to park, even the cook teams!! I was sitting under my canopy and I had a cook team that thought I was a volunteer there to answer questions as I was asked by them things like “how late is the gate open”. Fast Forward 4 years and about 35 comps later, me and “the anchor” are looking forward to getting wet….more on that later.

One of the best things about Pueblo is the location – The Historic Arkansas Riverwalk is a nice backdrop for a weekend full of music and BBQ. The folks do a great job keeping the teams well cared for by passing out adult beverages during the day and ice cream treats at night. $11,000 is up for grabs this weekend for some of the midwest and southwest’s best teams. Multi-Grand Champion Rhythm and Que who is as hot as the desert in Phoenix he is drove in from will be here. R&Q won the contest 3 years ago. Along with a check, a towel and a chair the winner gets to take a championship plunge in the Arkansas River – This is always fun to watch and unlike any other tradition at any competition I have ever attended. Mike From Enoserve got to take the plunge last year and he will be back to defend the title. Despite the reports there was no flood damage near the riverwalk. Mike insists any high tide was purely coincidence even though it was reported within minutes of his plunge. Burning Bob the reigning RMBBQA Team of the year will be looking for his first GC on the year, usually he already has a couple by now. My gut tells me he might be ready to claim one this week. World Champion Kelly Wertz will be wanting to get that moustache of his baptized by the Arkansas River as will one of the surprise teams in the RMBBQA this year Smokin Hot Butts – Brett has had a nice run this year cooking the big cuts of meat. If Carcass Cookers doesn’t get to distracted cooking for the sponsors the hometown boy would like nothing else that to take the plunge in front of his family and friends. No matter who it is its going to be a lot of fun watch and unless its us I will be there to capture the video. Here is Mike and Don doing the victory leap last year:

Well…Having trouble uploading the video for some reason.

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