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Usually on Saturday and Sunday mornings we make something for breakfast that requires more steps than opening a box of cereal and pouring milk in a bowl. Lately we have been doing blueberry pancakes or waffles. Since bacon makes everything better we thought lets put some cooked bacon in the batter and make some bacon stuffed waffles – In addition to the waffle I also like to make flavored syrups by adding different ingredients to the syrup today I will show you how I make my Jack Daniels syrup in case you want to get a buzz while eating waffles. The Jack Daniels syrup was inspired by an episode of Epic Meal Time -The below recipe will make 3 waffles.


2 Cups Bisquick
1.5 Cups Milk
2 Tbs Vegetable Oil
1 Egg
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
Jack Daniels
Your Favorite Syrup
1 Package of your favorite Bacon

TOTAL TIME: 25 Minutes
PREP TIME: 5 Minutes
COOK TIME: 20 Minutes


– Cook Bacon over Medium Heat, Crumble into dime to quarter size pieces reserving some for garnish as well as a a couple of strips for garnish as well
-Add Bisquick,Milk,Vegetable Oil,Egg and Vanilla to bowl and whisk till batter is formed
-Fill waffle iron with batter adding your crumbled bacon pieces to mixture be sure to press down into batter and have coverage so you can get at least some bacon in every bite
-Take almost equal parts syrup and butter – I do about 60% syrup and 40% butter and put into micro safe bowl and microwave until warm and butter has melted do this on a medium power     setting so you don’t scorch the sugars.
-Add 1 part Jack Daniels with 4 parts syrup/butter mixture – you can add more or less depending on how strong of a Jack taste you want in your syrup
-I Garnish with none other than more Bacon – use remaining crumbles you did not put in the batter on top of the waffle as well as breaking a strip in half

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